Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

What they don't tell you about being a mom...

When you find out you're pregnant, there are these panic-stricken moments when you will think, there's got to be a way to back out of this. The worst of these will be in the middle of labor.

And when you are let out of the hospital, you will have another moment of disbelief that the powers-that-be are actually letting you leave with this tiny, helpless baby. You will try to think of a way to stay a little longer at which point they will smile and kick you out.

Things you thought unmentionable and disgusting will somehow become the topic of open conversation, including but not limited to all the various aspects of poop and vomit. When you are the mother of a toddler, expect this to increase exponentially and begin to doubt your pediatrician when he tells you no one ever leaves home not potty-trained.

From those early pregnancy days when you realize you can't sleep on your stomach any more to the nights when very large children pile into your bed during thunderstorms, your body and personal space and sleep patterns will never be entirely yours again. Strangely, while you will recognize this fact, it will not bother you nearly as much as you once thought it might.

But the from the first moment you see that little personality in the scrunched up face of your newborn, the depth and breadth and height of your capacity love will forever deepen and change your soul in ways you will continue to discover until your dying breath. And maybe even after.

Happy Mother's Day

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