Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer crawls on

I'm always fascinated by the perception of time. It seems to fly by and crawl along all at the same time. So the school supply stuff is back in stores and in two more weeks the kids will be back at it, the first year of high school for Sammi and the last for Nick. How on earth did their childhoods disappear so quickly?

And yet, the days sometimes seem to drag along.

So this morning was another walk, another trip to the dog park, another round of emptying out the dishwasher, vacuuming, doing laundry, drinking coffee, starting to work.

As always, Evan played chase like a puppy

and Katy kept bringing me the ball.

From the dog park you could see two hot air balloons peacefully floating toward the mountains.

And back at home during chores, Fisher holds court.

And Faith gets in my spot every time I get up to do anything. She's carefully guarded, though.

However, after vacuuming this morning, she decided this perch was preferable. So for now, the furniture can stay this way. At least I get my spot back.

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