Saturday, March 19, 2011

3-19-11 What else?

We set out for a moon run this evening and I was pretty sure we'd struck out. No moon in sight, and lots of thick clouds. But after a stop in at Toys R Us for Bob to look around, there it was. I didn't get the just- over-the-horizon shots I was after, but it was still a lovely bright full moon.

In other news. . .  I took Sammi to get her monthly labs done and then over to My Favorite Muffin since she had to fast before the blood draw. We weren't two steps into the house before my phone was ringing. It was the showing service, telling me someone wanted to see the house at 10:30. It was 9:45. So instead of relaxing with the delayed coffee, we whirlwind cleaned the house before grabbing both the dogs and high-tailing it out of the house. We didn't really have a plan and ended up with the six of us just chilling in a parking lot with the windows down on a beautiful sunny day.

Today's been the roughest health wise so far. Lots of swelling and pain and fatigue, just all around lousy.

This afternoon before the moon hunt we got the call that there would be another showing tomorrow between 12-2. This time, instead of sitting in the car we've decided to just visit mom and dad for the day and avoid the clock watching. Keep good thoughts. It just takes ONE buyer!

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