Friday, April 1, 2011

4-1-11 the mini monster

Why is it I haven't heard a single quip about giving us the 4111 today? Sounds like a missed opportunity to me.

The 4111 around here is it is currently T-minus 11 hours until garage sale time. Do I have prices on anything yet? Of course not.

But the tables are set up and most stuff is out of the boxes and waiting for a sticker. Vicki came over with one load of stuff after work and will be back in the morning with the rest of it. We're expecting highs near 80 so hopefully we'll get lots of folks out and about and a bit of a suntan to boot.

That reminds me. . .  got to get the signs out of the back of the car and get them ready to set up in the morning.

Anyway, in the midst of Vicki's stuff was a bonanza of tennis balls for the dogs. But the big daddy of them has become the new most favoritist thing in the world. Meet the mini-monster ball.

It squishes up when the dogs bite on it and currently Katy is carrying the thing around from room to room,with Evan walking beside her, waiting for her to drop it.

Here she is attacking it. (What I think of most when I see this picture, though, is, am I ever going to refinish that piece of furniture or is it forever going to be shabby chic without the chic?)

There's always one treasure in a garage sale from other people's stuff. I think we found it.

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