Thursday, April 14, 2011

4-14-11 the morning excitement

So it's 10:15 and I am alone in my house. Half an hour ago I get the call of a showing from 10-11. Bob Sr. still isn't back from taking Bob to the airport, so it's just me, Nell, and the dogs and 15 minutes of pure terror. All the crap that has been laid about, birthday presents, socks, sheets from the laundry that aren't put away -- and all of the put away places are down low, where I can't bend. The guest room is filled with luggage and things from my caregivers. I have no idea what Nick's room looks like. For that matter, I haven't seen my kitchen in a week either. Nell did what she could and five minutes before 10:00 Bob Sr. arrived back, so out they scooted with the dogs on their leashes into the snowy morning.

Now, it's 10:15.


Ummmm . . . .  hello? Universe? I'm having heart palpitations from trying to pick up the best I can to get ready in 15 minutes and they aren't coming?

So I call my realtors to double check and yes, the showing is on and the window is actually between 10 and 12. As soon as I get off the phone the doorbell rings and we're on. So here we go.

They stay 20 minutes and seem very friendly but pretty uncomfortable, kind of like I am. Hey! We're MFEO!

Let's review, shall we?

Here is a rundown of how fantastic my house showing scheduling has been this past week of surgery and hospitalization:

1. Tuesday morning, a call to show the house at 10:00. It is 9:00 and I have just arrived at the hospital for my pre-admission appointment. There is no way I can go back home and get my dogs out of the house. I have to turn it down.

2. Wednesday evening call for a Thursday morning showing. Thursday morning about the time I'm out cold having an organ removed. Can I bring my dogs with me maybe? We luck out that our next door neighbor will be home and can pop over and bring the dogs to her yard for the showing time.

3. Friday afternoon call for two showings on Saturday, the first one from 10-12, exactly when the Sears repair guy is supposed to be in our kitchen taking the oven apart (between 8-12). We keep those showings and my hubby stays to wait on the repair man . . .who doesn't show. After making apologies to the first group about having to be there during their walk through and keeping the dogs in the back yard, Bob calls the service company only to find "he called in sick, how about we get someone there between 2 and 3?" Between 2 and 3 is the second showing time. You just have to laugh. We rescheduled the service visit for another day and the second showing actually allowed people to walk around the house without feeling watched.

4. Saturday afternoon call for a showing Sunday afternoon -- the day I am being discharged and will have to climb the stairs and collapse in the bed after a TAH. Hubby says no, not Sunday.

5. Yesterday after my parents have been here to help, the kids have gotten back to school, and my husband is preparing to leave for a week long conference and we've planned a surprise birthday dinner for him, they call for a showing between 5 and 7 that night. The house is a wreck, I'm a wreck, and I've got 8 people over at the house for this surprise. Um, no. Not tonight. Any other day of the week: Monday or Tuesday, or even any other time slot Wednesday and we could have made it work. But no.

6. This morning, at 9:40 my realtor calls me, so even though I am trying to take a nap, I answer hoping we might just have an offer. No, she wants to know if they can show the house in 15 minutes. My in-laws are now here to help and my father in law is currently on the road with my husband, taking him to the airport. We don't know when he'll be back and he's the only one who could get both the dogs and my mother in law out of the house. The house is clean, but not show ready, and the two of us have 15 minutes to make it so and I can't really bend over or pick any thing up and run up and down the stairs one week out from a TAH. But I say yes and we do what we can and the father in law arrives 5 minutes before the showing time to get everyone else out except me.

Hi kids! Wave at the crazy lady and her pee bag in the master bedroom . . . . PLEASE BUY MY HOUSE!!!

You have to laugh. Even when it hurts.

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