Katy watches the guys loading the shopping into the back of the car and knows she's about to have to give up her seat.
Watching for Bob to come back out from Sam's
Guess what? We spent a lot of time in the van this afternoon. Two showings back to back meant everyone out of the house and into the van. I actually walked around Walmart, very slowly and carefully, and picked out some new reading glasses and a few other Easter things while the guys did the weekly shopping and the dogs, Sammi, and Nell waited in the van. Between getting the house ready and my outing, I spent the rest of the evening in bed conserving energy and watching the latest Harry Potter film with Sammi. I kept asking, "did that happen in the book?" We've now decided it is imperative that I reread the last book. Since this new to DVD film is only the first part of the final book, I can get caught up and not drive her crazy when we go to see the last film to end the series when it comes out this summer.
I started reading the Harry Potter series to both Nicholas and Sammi many moons ago, aloud, chapter by chapter. By the time the last couple of books came out they were more than advanced enough to consume them on their own, but still they sat and listened as I read them the rest of the series aloud. It's a treasured memory for us. When the first film came out I'm sure we made everyone sitting around us in the theater crazy pointing out the differences between the film and the book, and we continued that tradition through at least the first four films. Somewhere along the way though, Nick lost interest in Harry Potter and Sammi started going to see them with her friends and mom kind of got left behind. It was a nice treat to curl up on the bed, just my girl and me, with all the lights out (and this is a DARK movie -- adjust your sets!) and still whisper about what changes were made from the book to the film. It helps that she's reread the whole series multiple times on her own and has them memorized. But then, she a voracious reader who seems to consume books faster than she does food. If she never stopped to teach herself a new piece on the piano or to sketch new artwork for her portfolio, all she would do is read. Since I've been largely bedridden and Bob has been out of town, she's been my tireless companion, getting me things and keeping me company, along with Evan (which is about as much as this one bed can comfortably hold).
In other news, we've heard that the couple who stayed so long outside the house last Friday are still considering our house. The major drawback seems to be the basement space, which I assume means they either wanted a full floor basement or a walk-out. Not much can be done on that account, but I'm still hopeful they don't find anything "perfect" and come back to see us again.
Wrapping up and crawling in for the night. Happy Easter to all come the sunrise!
Watching for Bob to come back out from Sam's
Guess what? We spent a lot of time in the van this afternoon. Two showings back to back meant everyone out of the house and into the van. I actually walked around Walmart, very slowly and carefully, and picked out some new reading glasses and a few other Easter things while the guys did the weekly shopping and the dogs, Sammi, and Nell waited in the van. Between getting the house ready and my outing, I spent the rest of the evening in bed conserving energy and watching the latest Harry Potter film with Sammi. I kept asking, "did that happen in the book?" We've now decided it is imperative that I reread the last book. Since this new to DVD film is only the first part of the final book, I can get caught up and not drive her crazy when we go to see the last film to end the series when it comes out this summer.
I started reading the Harry Potter series to both Nicholas and Sammi many moons ago, aloud, chapter by chapter. By the time the last couple of books came out they were more than advanced enough to consume them on their own, but still they sat and listened as I read them the rest of the series aloud. It's a treasured memory for us. When the first film came out I'm sure we made everyone sitting around us in the theater crazy pointing out the differences between the film and the book, and we continued that tradition through at least the first four films. Somewhere along the way though, Nick lost interest in Harry Potter and Sammi started going to see them with her friends and mom kind of got left behind. It was a nice treat to curl up on the bed, just my girl and me, with all the lights out (and this is a DARK movie -- adjust your sets!) and still whisper about what changes were made from the book to the film. It helps that she's reread the whole series multiple times on her own and has them memorized. But then, she a voracious reader who seems to consume books faster than she does food. If she never stopped to teach herself a new piece on the piano or to sketch new artwork for her portfolio, all she would do is read. Since I've been largely bedridden and Bob has been out of town, she's been my tireless companion, getting me things and keeping me company, along with Evan (which is about as much as this one bed can comfortably hold).
In other news, we've heard that the couple who stayed so long outside the house last Friday are still considering our house. The major drawback seems to be the basement space, which I assume means they either wanted a full floor basement or a walk-out. Not much can be done on that account, but I'm still hopeful they don't find anything "perfect" and come back to see us again.
Wrapping up and crawling in for the night. Happy Easter to all come the sunrise!
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