Friday, April 8, 2011

4-8-11 On the Other Side

This is going to be quick because I can't keep my eyes open very long. I'm 2 digits away from requiring a blood transfusion (hematcrit? I think that was the word is at 27.

Great news, I am Squishyless and he was not cancerous.

Bad news, the aforementioned Squishylettes were vastly, in the words of my doctor, "underestimated." Remember the fruit of the loom grapes? There were tons of them on top of one another and they had grown over and around a lot of things they shouldn't have. She'd never seen anything like it. And I have a fantastic picture of it, but I'll spare you here. If you want to partake in the full-on spectacularness you can email me for a picture.

And part of what they had grown over was my left ureter, which got cut out when they were trying to remove the fibroid from hell. Squishy was filling up the inside of the uterus, and was about the size of 15 weeks pregnant. But the really bad stuff was on the outside and that's how they got all over the bladder and ureter.

So at that point, they had to call in a urology surgeon to rebuild the ureter, which required an incision in the bladder and a stint to keep it in place. This will have to come out in about 6 weeks. And I have to be catheterized for about two weeks because to get the spot to heal where the ureter is reconnected to the bladder, it can't fill up at all.

The epidural was awesome. The time between the getting a relax drug to insert the needle in my back and waking up to do a double take that the clock was showing 5:30 was nothing. My first thought at that point was that it must have been cancer because it took 6 hours.

Since 5:30 this morning the epidural meds were done and I've just been on percocet, which aren't nearly as good, but it's keeping most of the pain at bay. Mainly it's the overwhelming exhaustion. I got up and walked for the first time at lunch, from the bed to the door, felt like I was going to pass out and got insanely nauseous. by the time I got back into the bed it felt like I'd run a marathon and have slept most of the time since then.

At some point when I can keep my eyes open I will try to remember to tell you about why I have to be dressed in all yellow, why "pooppoop" is our new funny phrase, how I tried counting the number of cords attached to me in the middle of the night and kept losing count, the wonderful balloons, flowers, and candy gifts, and cjo's card that made me laugh (Those who say laughter is the best medicine have obviously never had morphine.) How in the middle of the night I looked up google sky to see right overhead the Phoenix constellation and it made me smile. How they clean your room, as in mopping the floors and such, three times a day. Or why I have a "grenade" sewn into my side that fills up with blood and it really gross. How I was so hungry and looking forward to my blueberry pancakes only to get sick after one bite.How we've had two showings, one yesterday and one today, and my wonderful neighbor Shannon is cleaning my house top to bottom, like a 10 hour job, so it will sparkle. But right now, I'm going to collapse.

Thank you all again for the concern, messages, calls, gifts, offers of help, and most of all prayers. I am blessed beyond measure.

Apologies for anything incoherent, I think I've been falling asleep in between sentences.

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