Sunday, May 1, 2011

5-1-11 phone pic round-up

Let's see, this is Thursday, I think, when Fisher decided she needed some lovin' even though I was still working.

I took one last picture of the hospital balloons that have been hanging around the bedroom before letting them completely deflate. I also managed to get the flowers replanted in my teacup planters Sat. which means the bedroom is now almost completely "get well" free, as one by one I've said goodbye to all the cheery flowers and gifts sent when I was in the hospital.

Yesterday morning Nick got up and made me a blueberry pancake breakfast and joined me on the bed with his, which he piled high with strawberries and whipped cream.

Then Sammi hopped on, followed by Evan

who kept waiting for someone to drop something.

Then Katy managed to hop herself up with all of the excitement.

So after that rousing company, I got myself downstairs to finally walk out into the backyard after more than three weeks. Oh, yeah, and it snowed overnight, even though it was almost 70° yesterday afternooon.

Watch those ears perk up when the ball comes into view.

And since I'd wandered downstairs in shorts and a t-shirt, I grabbed the only pair of shoes I had on the ground floor and got myself out into the sunshine.

This elicited MUCH excitement.

And just a few steps off the deck was the glorious sunshine.

I almost missed the turning of the tree in the back with its "butterfly" leaves.

The dogs waited as patiently as possible while I enjoyed my tree.

They'd waited more than three weeks, what was a few more minutes?

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