Thursday, June 16, 2011

6-16-11 the morning walk

Post workout and pre-coffee, Evan and I took off this morning for a short walk around the neighborhood. (Before the dogs' grandparents accuse me of favoritism again, please note that Katy refuses to move out of Samantha's room, even when I call her repeatedly. She just stays put, curled up beside her bed, and refuses to budge. She will not get up until Samantha does.)

A few sights along the way:

See the "weeds" in the yard above? Those are baby aspens. One aspen = babies all over your yard that you have to continually remove. This house looks empty, so maybe I can take some fall golden foliage pictures here come September.

Irises, not as impressive Van Gogh's batch, but still so pretty in the morning light.

In the yard adjacent to the irises sat the third bunny we passed on our walk but the first to wisely stay put low to the ground and not dash away. Evan never saw him. Evan appears to be just a bit T-Rex in his bunny spotting abilities. As soon as they take off, he's straining at the leash to herd them. But if they don't move, even when they are just three feet away, he never sees (or smells) them.

And back at the house, we greeted Binks, who kept a good eye on the place for us while we were away.

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