Thursday, June 2, 2011


Nick called me during my last hour of work.

Or, rather, the phone rang, it was listed as a Castle Rock number, I'd already just gotten off the phone with another salesman, so I let the machine pick it up. Then I hear Nick's voice.

Nick spent the day at Elitch Gardens with Lindsey and her friends, and as they were waiting for the train to take them back to this side of town, he realized he can't find his phone. He heads back into the park and tells the girls to go ahead and catch the next train so they won't be late for basketball practice.

He's got a season pass, but when he tries to use it, they ask him if he got his hand stamped upon exit.

Um, no. Why does this matter? The pass is access in and out of the park at will, right?

He finally gets to Guest Relations/Lost and Found before it hits him that the girls, now on their way back are his only ride home and he doesn't have the ability to call or text anyone now.

They don't have his phone, he fills out the paperwork and heads to catch the next train. At the station, he asks if he can borrow someone's phone since he's just lost his. Some kind lady (from Castle Rock) lets him borrow hers to call me to meet him at the station.

I get there ahead of him and spend a few minutes looking through the gallery on my phone and realize there's some stuff on there I haven't offloaded that I'd forgotten about.

 The flash didn't go off, but this is Katy huddled in my bathroom closet waiting out the thunderstorm a couple of weeks ago.

 This is my big brown eyed darlin' sitting beside me on the bed

 Bob's new hat

 Nick made lasagna for dinner last night all be himself.

And this is shot through the sunroof this afternoon cloud watching and waiting for Nick to emerge from the light rail. It looked like a nose at first under the eyeballs of the lamp, but the wind took it apart by the time I got the camera app open.

So Nick emerges and sees me and by that time he's remembered exactly where the phone must be, since the backpack holding all their stuff toppled over and spilled its contents across a beach chair, where the phone undoubtedly slipped through. He calls Elitch when we get home to tell them additional details about where the thinks it must be if no one has spotted yet and the woman on the other end says, "It's got a white bat symbol on it? It's here." So a happy ending after all.

And happier still, I forgot I'd captured just a moment of my happy place on the banks of Bear Creek on my phone Monday:

And tonight, in the quiet, with the windows open and the cool breeze coming in, I sat with Katy and listened to Sammi play around on the piano before joining in for a bit.

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