Saturday, June 25, 2011

6-25-11 Colorado Renaissance Festival

Living in Navasota from 1994 until 2007, we were less than half an hour from the Texas Renaissance Festival in Plantersville each October and November.

We moved to Highlands Ranch and found ourselves again, just half an hour from the state's annual Ren Fest, held in Larkspur every June through July.

The thought of ever trying to attend the TX one in the middle of summer is laughable. Even in late fall it can get sweltering in the Texas heat. 

Today the high was in the mid-80°s with little breeze, so it was plenty warm, at least enough for Colorado people to keep remarking to each other how hot it was and marvel that tomorrow it is supposed to get to 90°. This makes me smile.

After morning coffee on the deck with the dogs, we headed out for Larkspur. We met Mom and Dad there and picked up Sammi who had stayed with them this past week.

The royal court lines up above the front entrance to open the park.

And musicians of all ages and instruments line the walkway.

I got pulled over to try on horns early on. It was probably the all-black thing. Plenty of horny cracks all around.

At the shows we'd stake out whatever territory we could find that had the least bit of shade. Thanks to the side effects of Sammi's meds, she turns into a lobster without a whole lot of precautions. One more month and we're done with it. yay!

Oh, and I'm slobbering all over the Strawberry Frozen Ice they pack on top of an orange. It's really quite tasty.

First show of the day we caught was the German Brothers.

Then we caught the tail end of Celtic Legacy.

The guys afterwards

They share the Rose stage with the new Endangered Cat Show, run by the Great Cats World Park out of Oregon.

First up was a very scaredy cat, the quite young and inexperience black leopard. This was as much as he wanted to do with the audience this morning. They bring him out for just a few minutes to begin to teach him to be comfortable with groups.

Next up was Ciro, age 9, a little known species called a Serval. 

Servals don't make the best climbers. . .

But Ocelots do!

The beautiful boy is Meiki, a 15 years old Amur Leopard, a highly endangered species.  In the wild, these leopards' life expectancy is only 7 or 8 years.

This is one of my favorite shots. There's just something about Meiki's face here that cracks me up.

Their largest cat in the show is one of their newest tigers who is still learning the ropes. That dazed look on his handler's face is because he just got seriously head-butted in play.

He also had a hard time focusing. This treat was given to get his attention of of chewing up his handlers' boots.

Or arm, as the case may be. . .

Noshing on Mac and Cheese on a Stick. There isn't much to eat at the Fest that doesn't come on a stick.

And then, at the Pirates' Pub, we caught the Charming and Dashing show, where Bob was swept up in the action.

The reaction to the revelation that "throw back your hair" wasn't going to work too well with their newly conscripted hero:

The Strapping Damsel -- they did a role reversal and had Bob in the female lead.

Sammi captured the moment of shock on Charming's face after being set back on his feet.

Charming, Strapping, and Dashing pose post-show.

One of the rare moments of Sammi in the sun.

Bob's favorite: Steak on a Stake time.

The requisite water wheel picture

The sign over the Gaian Forge and Foundry:

Sammi and I with our cashew turtle treat from the Fudge Shoppe.

Next up was the parade . . . 

And our last show of the day was Johnny Fox, sword swallower.

and balloons . . . which he doesn't bring back up.

Bob and Sammi and the ravaged turkey leg after the show.


Sammi picks out a necklace before we leave.

And one last look back as we head home. Nothing like a blue Colorado sky and those mountains as a backdrop to make every day spectacular.

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