Thursday, July 14, 2011

7-14-11 One.Week.

Tonight was the 8th day in a row of afternoon thunderstorms and downpours. Katy has gotten very good at pulling herself into a tiny ball in the interior of the house every day by 4:00. The backyard is a jungle, mushrooms sprouting everywhere. It's been lovely -- about the time it starts getting hot in the house, the clouds sweep in and the sweet sounds of rain start up. Last night was a spectacular lightening show. Didn't get a lot of sleep, though.

Managed to go downstairs to discover the chicken I'd been baking for dinner was still sitting in the oven pink as the moment I put it in. Would help to turn on the oven, huh? Sigh.

Tonight Sammi and I are heading to the airport to pick up her best friend Emily who moved to Oregon. Sammi went to Portland on her birthday weekend last year and Emily is returning the favor this summer. They've got tickets to see the final Harry Potter in the morning in IMAX, so I'll get them home tonight after 10:00 and hope they can actually get some sleep. (I've been informed they want to get to the theater by 8:00 in the morning for the 9:30 show.)

Tomorrow is, finally, Bob's surgery for his tooth tumor. I'm sure we'll have to wait for the biopsy but at least he will finally be rid of it. We just got Nick back on to solid foods, just in time to serve the soups and puddings to Bob.

But one week from tonight I will be in the mountains by a campfire with zero internet access, no phones, no work, no television. One. week.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the camping is fun and you have an awesome birthday!
