Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10-26-11 First Snow

Well, the weatherman did it again. Cried wolf all week long so that by Tuesday afternoon emails were going around Bob's work about possible closures Wednesday because it was going to be so bad. Sammi's teachers were all saying "probably won't be in class tomorrow, so . . . "

Inevitably, it built up. Everyone went to bed believing.

And then . . . the wolf was nowhere in the neighborhood.

Totally clear streets, all day long. Yes, we got snow. It was probably 6-8 inches all told. If only it had been a lovely surprise instead of a "that's it?!?"

 :) Can't make anyone happy these days.

Except the dogs!

My little swing among the tree was getting up close and personal with the branches. We haven't had a frost yet, so most of the tree are still full of leaves, which makes them incredibly heavy. Most of the power outages around the state are from fallen branches.

Katy lost about half a dozen balls in the snow throughout the day.

Bruiser, on the other hand, got as far as the open door before screeching to a halt. I have to watch him carefully when going in and out of the door, except apparently when it snows.

Meanwhile, Katy wants to know where all the balls have gone. What a face.

Our first table snow cake of the season!

And we keep on watching the tree bowing to the ground.

Tonight's low? 13°!

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