Saturday, October 29, 2011

10-29-11 Snickerdoodle Time

I won three Victor mugs and one Wallace (both WWII ceramic makers) on ebay this week and they arrived yesterday. ($4 for all 4 !)

So of course, what better way to inaugurate them than to bake . . . . 


I've been talking about making them for a couple of weeks, I've even inspired my friend Jennifer to bake them this week, so I now have a tagged photo of me on Facebook as one of her snickerdoodles.

And hers are picture perfect, textbook beautiful:

Mine, on the other hand, aren't quite like that.

Here, then is a quick primer on how to make Tori Version Snickerdoodles.

1. Assemble the ingredients, which are really pretty simple: eggs, flour, sugar, vanilla, butter, Crisco, cream of tarter, baking soda, and a pinch of salt. This is the only cookie recipe I know of that calls for cream of tartar, so that must be the magic. 

Here's the recipe -- note the 2 2/3s C of flour has been over-written to 3 2/3s -- the higher elevation here required it.

Add that last 2/3 cup just a bit at a time until the stickiness is almost gone from the batter. You'll also need a small finger bowl for flour, and a mixture of cinnamon and sugar. The recipe above calls for a 2 to 1 ratio, but over the years I've swapped that to 1:1. I do love my cinnamon.

If you've beat the dough right, with just a bit of flour on your hands, you'll have a perfect ball of perfection. I make mine pretty small and get 4 dozen +1 (49 = 7x7!)

At this point, you take the little ball of wonderfulness and make it even better by dropping it into the cinnamon and sugar, sprinkling it, telling it sweet nothings, rolling it around until it is totally coated.

8 minutes: 8 exactly. They will not spread the way they are "supposed" to, so they'll stay soft and not turn crispy.

Ta-da! The last batch is the baker's dozen and is, of course, required eating hot out of the oven . . . 

with a cup of coffee in the perfect mug . . .  

Not picture perfect, but oh-so-good cinnamon cake scrumptious.

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