Saturday, November 26, 2011

11-25-11 Albert's

If you travel through the northernmost roads on the Texas panhandle, odds are you are going to make it through Dumas, since it's pretty much the only road out of the state around there. 

And there are a couple of things about Dumas to note: 

1. Although I cannot fathom that there is a run on hotels on the northernmost, wind-ravaged flat plains of Texas, there are TEN very new, very large hotels on the approach from Amarillo 

2. And just past those, you will find a very old looking diner called Albert's, whose parking lot is always full, and whose seats are often filled by both the locals and the truckers.

This is pay dirt.

Albert's diner decor:

The flat screen is probably the only addition in the past decade.

So, of course, the food is basic, and really good.

The special was eggs, hashbrowns, biscuits and gravy, and country ham. (Half a pig of country ham as it turned out...)

After breakfast Mom and Dad headed home for Colorado. We, however, had a date with Whataburger...

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