Monday, July 9, 2012

7-9-12 Facing the Mr. Hyde Tub (Pinterest success!)

I wish I could tell you that was not my bathroom's tub. I wish I could tell you it took forever to get like that, but then I'd be admitting I never clean. I do. Not often enough obviously, but that is not a picture of a tub that hasn't been scrubbed in years or even months. In my defense, there has been a blue bath in-shower mat over the center, but that doesn't excuse the disgustingness of the tub. 

I wish I could tell you I've been letting it get increasingly disgusting so my results would be so much more fantastic for the before and after shots. 

But when I pulled the mat up, I did think, "there is no way on God's green earth I am posting this before picture."

And yet, here it is. No pretense: I let the bathub get gross and thought, daily, I have got to get in here and scrub my heart out. And then I'd hop out of the shower, pull the curtain shut, and go into denial. 

In my useless defense, the kid's tub is cleaned far more frequently, although it kind of voids the "because I'm a caring mom" card when you know that's also the guest bathroom.

So when I saw the pinterest testing pin, I was highly skeptical, but I had vinegar and Dawn on hand and, yesterday morning, had one of those "I cannot step into this shower one more time until I clean it" moments. When I pulled the mat off the bottom, I had a vision of that moment when Bugs is playing the piano and Mr. Hyde comes up behind him. Mr. Hyde is my bathtub. I'm Bugs. See the 1:00 mark, or just the screen shot of the same moment here:

I sprayed the heck out of the tub and let it set for hours while I ran errands. It did not come after me with an ax.

Obligatory shot of products used...

Did I have to do nothing more than blink at the mixture and wipe it away?


You've seen the before picture, right?

But after a scrub-sided sponge wash down and a second coat, that really did just wipe down, here's what we got:

I am so not wasting more money on Scrubbing Bubbles. I'm also keeping a bottle of this stuff next to the showers for daily wipe downs.

It would appear as long as baking is not involved, I might actually be able to pull off the simpler Pinterest ideas without complete failure!

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