Thursday, August 23, 2012

8-23-12 Gah!

My possessions are causing me suspicion but there's no proof...

Actually, yes, there is. Yesterday my printer began displaying the message "Error: unplug printer and call service center." And when you google that fault, do you know what information you can find? That's right. Canon has very helpfully listed this error on the interwebs with the explanation: "This means unplug the computer and call the service center." Like I have time to find a printer service center and drive the dang thing to them for them to say, "Yup, it's broke." when I basically work 12 hour days just to keep up. No one else in the world appears to have encountered this error that I can find. Google has failed me.

Last night, for the upteenth time, I was kicked off the internet and no amount of restarting the router or the Qwest  box did anything. Restarting the computer took more than an hour and it still didn't reconnect to the net. Remember that "hard drive failure imminent" thing from a few weeks back?


This morning, no internet. No go on the resetting the router. And, after another hour-long restart, no computer. It loaded the desktop and then just sat there, mocking me. It even gave me an error when I tried to open the task manager.

Have I backed up everything from the past two weeks when I've been flying to Michigan and driving to Texas? Of course not.

So off the office I went, which took half the day, so I'll be working until midnight to catch back up. I am now the unwilling owner of a new Seagate 1TB 2.5 5400RPM SATA that is being surgically implanted into my baby. I had to go home with a temp computer and it's like driving a vintage stick shift pickup truck with no shocks or radio or seats for that matter, after I've been spoiled tooling around in a a luxury sedan for years. Even the space bar sticks.

I also have none of my files, so I am working entirely from memory and I never fully appreciated how many times I need to open various documents until I didn't have them.

Oh, and since my dealers' operating systems require me to use Windows Professional and they can't locate the ID key, it's going to take even longer to finish the install.

And, it appears, the wireless issue is traced to the router, which is also going south and needs to be replaced.

I'm pretty much ready for this week to be over and done with.

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