Tuesday, December 11, 2012

12-11-12 AMOOXP Day 17

AMOOXP Day 17: 1992

We found out we were expecting in late April, so the rest of the year was spent doing what we could to create a baby friendly space. One of the big job was spending hours in Mr. Turner's work shed (the Turners were our landlords, next door neighbors, and continue to be our friends) stripping down the french doors that had been out of the house for many years, repainting, cleaning the windows, replacing the hardware, and getting them hung back up. Yes, we were a little ahead, since a newborn wasn't going to go roaming the house, but still. It was a fun project.

Shelby was with us one more Christmas before she passed away in my arms about two weeks after  these photos were taken and two days before Nicholas arrived.

Shelby the Reindeer

We had everyone over that year: 
Mom, Dad, Mammammy, Granddaddy, Bob Sr., Nell, Heather, Melissa, and Matt.

Heather didn't take the Barney backpack off once.

It was a Star Trek year, both the tie

and the Captain Kirk mug

And I was sooooo prego. I wasn't one of those glowing pregnant people. I had acne worse than I'd ever had before, I sweated constantly, swelled up so that even my shoes didn't fit, and found I couldn't wear contacts, either. Never had a day of morning sickness, though!

Me, Calvin, and Shelby the night of Christmas

Dad had gotten a van that year and given Bob the old Dodge truck, which meant his old, battered Buick was sold and we took the money and bought... a video camera. They were that expensive back then, huge and inconvenient to carry anywhere, and it was an insane choice, but I am so glad that we did. I'm not sure what I would trade for these bits of moving pictures now. 

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