Saturday, December 22, 2012

12-22-12 The Cinnamon Imperial Red Hot Apple Applesauce How-To

I've looked all over the internet trying to find the history of these babies, but to no avail.

There seems to be a collective of people who know about them and love them and remember them being made during their childhood, but no definitive answer on where the recipe originated. 

Per Dad, the first time he had them, his sister, my Aunt Dot, made them and told him what she did.

The rest is history.

So simple. 

So amazingly delicious. 

They make turkey and stuffing sing for their supper without them.

So here's a primer on how Dad's achieves this holiday goodness.

apologies for the illegible text in order to shrink under Bloggers ridiculous 100Mb video limit
Better quality coming to the YouTube channel soon.

1. You need about a dozen very large Washington Red Delicious Apples. He gets the 6 lb. bag at Sams. Last time there were 12, this time only 10. Peel with a peeler that has swiveling action to save your wrist and to keep from pitting the apples. Core and slice thinly into a pot of water.

2. You need 5 cups of sugar. Don't look at me that way. It's a once a year splurge that is completely worth it. And you aren't eating a whole lot in a serving.

3. You need 5 bags of Brach's Cinnamon Imperials. Don't settle for any other brand. They are not created equal.

Boil the apples in water until they are soft and cut easily with the spoon. Pour off most of the liquid, leaving just a bit at the bottom. The apples will continue to make lots of liquid as you boil them off. Pour in one cup of sugar and one bag of red hots at a time, stirring until melted. Try to keep the candy on top of the apples as it boils to keep less of them from sticking to the bottom of the pan where you'll need to scrape them off.

If you've made a batch for Thanksgiving and are now hitting Christmas, you may still have some of the apple syrup from the first batch. Add it in if you like. You're about to replenish the supply.

Once the last bag of red hots is completely melted, you should have a color approaching radioactive red. Now drain off the liquid, as much as possible, and keep refrigerated in jars for use as a syrup. Or, as Dad calls it, the Nectar of the Gods.

Mash away. Dad uses two potato mashers and a whisk at the end to get it into a nicely textured applesauce. You'll still have some last bit of liquid to drain off as you go. Once you really have to mash down to fill the spoon, you'll know you're almost there.

Serve warm or chilled, depending on your preference. 

redder than the tablecloth!

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