Happy 20th Birthday to my first born
It was at the birthday pancakes that I realized I had neither a 2 nor a 0 in candles!
So we got that rectified by the evening's brownies, requested in place of a cake by Nick, who wants to take the leftovers with him when he heads for Texas tomorrow.
My low maintenance guy wanted Five Guys Burgers instead of going out, too.
The shirt, the movie, and the Beats unwrapped
Evan does the happy birthday shake.
20 years. How on earth did that happen?
And, looking back, I have been really terrible at birthday pictures. Too busy with the festivities when they were younger, I guess.
Yeah, the festivities on 1/9/93 I have this one,
and then a lot of people holding what looks like a rolled up bologna loaf
Birthday WEEK, a little better
1994, age 1
Best cake shot I got. Aladdin's genie is popping out of the cake.
1995, age 2, and Batman fighting the Joker on the cake. Nicholas hadn't quite gotten the hang of how to blow out candles yet, but he was working on it.
1996, age 3, another Batman birthday
1997, age 4, Toy Story
1998, age 5, completely dropped the ball and don't have ANY pictures of him at the party. There's the pin the bat symbol on the Batman game we made though...
1999, age 6, at Gattiland Pizza, with a Star Wars theme (and cake I did not get a picture of)
2000, age 7, Pokemon
Here, at least, is an in focus picture of the birthday boy.
2001, age 8, again Pokemon
2002, age 9, Harry Potter
2003, age 10
at Gattiland again, with football helmets all over his cake, way in the background there. This was the auspicious year when I took exactly ONE picture the whole day.
And then? Mommy stopped scrapbooking, started trying digital, didn't print, changed computers, lost data, as well as a couple of years of her children's birthdays.
[Edited to add: A-HA! After posting this earlier in the week, I remembered a stack of the "missing year" photos that hadn't made it to the scanner and can fill in all but one of the missing years.}
2004, age 11.
No picture of Nick with the cake this year, but I did find one with the Birthday Pancakes and a card from Sammi.
This was the year of the bowling birthday party.
And 2005, age 12, which would be a year where my little boy sprouted into a teenager.
Goodbye to kid-dom.
Still missing 2006, age 13.
2007, age 14
2008, age 15
2009, age 16
2010, age 17
2011, age 18
2012, age 19
2013, age 20
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