But yesterday my friend and previous student Chris, who organizes many running events, and just did the insane 50 mile run himself a month or so ago, began a Facebook page called Run for Boston 4/17 with this note:
The idea is simple. Anytime on Wednesday, April 17th:
1) Gather your friends
2) Pick a place
3) Wear blue or yellow
4) Take a picture with a "Run for Boston" sign and post here
Join in this simple gesture to show Boston that we are all standing with them.
In 24 hours, there are more than 14,000 people who've joined, from all over the world, to run today in support of Boston, in support of runners everywhere, in support of light overcoming darkness. For hope in a terribly broken world.
Here is the Google map with pins dropped from runners, from all the way over in Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, the UK, and a couple of nuts in the middle of the ocean.
So, I ran.
Not far, not fast, and in sticky Florida humidity (where the air is thick and I realized I wasn't gasping like I do back home in Colorado).
But I ran.
And I hope.
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