Tuesday, April 9, 2013

4/9/13 Snow Day

There's just something about the Snow Day that makes everyone excited. I guess it's the unexpected gift of a free day, nothing you planned for, just a last minute lovely surprise.

All week long, the snowpocalypse forecasts rolled in, even last night, when everyone in Denver decided it wasn't going to be worth trying to go anywhere and cancelled everything.

Behold: the Snowpocalypse:

It's almost on par with the only Snow Day I ever recall getting, in Houston, when anything white falling out the sky sends Houstonians into panicked frenzies. It wasn't exactly a snow day but a snow afternoon, when school was let out early and no one expected it. I was in the 6th grade. My friend Christina came home with me because her parents were both working and we tried our level best to make something of the dusting we could scoop up, delighted in the wonder of not only getting out of school, but getting to play in the snow, such as it was.


Watching the snow before making hot chocolate. It was a memorable afternoon.

Our excitement required pictures of the white stuff, no matter how negligible.

Nice tree trunk.

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