It would seem that we've fallen into a bit of a tradition these past few years of visiting Echo Lake around the anniversary of moving to Colorado, which is also the same week as Memorial Day.
I thought I'd try to go back and reconstruct our various visits over these past six years, which is why I haven't gotten the whole thing put together precisely on Memorial Day this time around.
In 2007, on the first weekend we got here, Mom and Dad took us up to the top of Mt. Evans (and that's the only time we've made the drive) and we stopped in at Echo Lake Lodge, but not to eat. We'd brought our picnic to eat by the lake instead. This was also where the kids scrapped up bits of the icy snow still left around to throw at one another because it was so novel and exciting.
The Samstand
In 2008 we didn't make it back up there until September, when the Masks had come for a visit and we were seeking golden aspen stands. That was our first time eating at the Lodge, which typically closes down right after Aspen changing. That was the year the lake was so still it was glass. It's never been like that again in the many trips I've had up there.
This fellow was just beyond the Lodge where the vista opens up
In Fall 2009 Sam and I ended up back there on a day of scouting for Aspens, although I didn't shoot much around the Lake/Lodge area that day.
Courtney and I attempted the Chicago Lakes hike, but turned around at the reservoir. That trail leaves from the back side of Echo Lake.
and afterward... pie.
the hummingbird feeders are right outside the windows overlooking the lake
September 2011, I was able to complete the Chicago Lakes hike with Stephanie and Deana, and blew out my knee in the process.
It was the first time I was at the Lodge around sunset.
and, of course... pie.
June with Sammi
Late August 2011, Hike with Evan (so no Lodge for lunch)
September 2011, with Courtney, who was expecting. This was her last visit to Colorado (so far). It was cold that day and the clouds hung heavy over most of the mountains. Perfect day for Buffalo Chili!
and... pie.
This was when I finally decided the interior decor of the gift shop needed some photos. Those black velvet clowns are always looking down on the shoppers but never get much attention. Maybe it's denial.
Memorial Day last year
recreating the original from 2007
Sammi and I on July 4th
Which, if I didn't miss any hiding out in other folders (my ten bazillion photographs are not particularly well organized for a project like this), brings us to the first round of 2013 from this Memorial Day:
Sam thinking about attempting another handstand and chickening out.
Nick and Lacey
Hiking over for lunch, still lots of snow to maneuver around.
so, this is one of those "every time we come here shots"
and so is this (with buffalo chili or pie, take your pick)
although Sam opted for a sundae instead
til next time...
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