Sunday, March 16, 2014

Nick & Ali's Spring Break 2014

Was it really already a week ago  just about now that Nick and Ali were pulling into the driveway Sunday afternoon looking forward to a week in Colorado? So fast.

Saturday morning I had to laugh when I sat down with my cup of coffee and saw this posted in my newsfeed. The horror element of Ali's face paired with Nick's singing was perfect.

They spent all day Saturday driving across the flat mind-numbing landscape of Texas and spend the night in Dumas before arriving here on Sunday. 

Bob Sr. took them out to the breakfast diner before sending them on their way Sunday morning.

And thanks to Facebook, I could tell about the time they finally crossed over into the promised land.

as well as the boredom from the road...

So about this time one week ago, we were all sitting down for a spaghetti supper, meeting Ali in person for the first time.  (Spoiler alert: she's adorable. And, with three older brothers, also well schooled in putting up with Nicholas.) After dinner we gathered up on the couches and watched Frozen. 

Monday they hung around so Nick could knock off his teeth cleaning appointment, went Red Rocks to run around, met up with Sam to do some shopping (see Partners in Crime bands they are both wearing below) and the three of them went out for dinner at The Rock. Then we all plopped back on the couch to watch Despicable Me 2. We are party animals, what can I say?

We gathered up on the couch that night to watch Frozen. 

Tuesday was snow day. This was Ali's first ever snow (not Texas ice). It was also the morning Nick had to go back to the dentist to get a filling. Fun Spring break for him.

This is Jeffrey, their tiny snowman. Ali learned pretty quickly that those life-sized ones you see in the movies are day-long affairs. After this: hot chocolate. Tuesday night was homemade chili night and home movies of Nick as a baby. 

Wednesday Nick knocked off his eye doctor appointment before grabbing Ali to head to Golden to meet Bob for lunch downtown. 

And then Wednesday night was date night. 

(stolen from Ali. No I did not go on date night ;))

Thursday they drove down to Colorado Springs to have lunch with Pap and Mimi and then play around Garden of the Gods and Patsy's Candy (and they brought me chocolate: score.)

That night for dinner we all got into pajamas for  Waffle Night.

Friday they headed up to Mount Evans and snowshoed across Echo Lake. Nick wants to take Ali back up in May to show her what it looks like in the summer as a comparison. 

That last evening, we headed over to Los Dos for dinner out.

And then all of a sudden it was Saturday, and they were packing up and saying goodbye again. 

Got the call an hour ago they'd arrived safely back in College Station. Next visit: end of May for Sam's graduation!

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