Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Denver Botanic & Chihuly, Take 2

I picked Carol up to spend the day together, away from all the Comic Con happenings. Neither she nor I find it all that interesting, so I whisked her away while George was busy for three days straight meeting fans, signing autographs, and drawing pictures. 

I said to her, "It must be gratifying to have so much fame and adulation at these things." And she said, basically, "You'd think so, wouldn't you?" He works hard and never gets to do a whole lot other than the Artist Alley table at all these places around the world. After so many decades in the business, he's earned his fame and can pick and choose what projects to work on, because the Cons are good money for a weekend of easy drawing. 

So while George was busy, we played. 

She'd seen the Chihuly pictures and wanted to check it out. When we arrived, though, there were signs up at every parking entrance "Lot Full" -- and this was 45 minutes after opening. It was a far cry from the week before when the lot was practically empty. I swung in anyway, just to double check and right at the almost closest available spot were three people getting in their car to drive away! Carol suggested I buy a lottery ticket. She even snapped a photo, although you can't really tell what a primo spot this was. You'll have to trust us.

And later that afternoon, when we arrived back at the Hyatt, I scored ANOTHER awesome spot right on the street (no meters run on Sunday) so I could park for free and be right there to pick everyone up for dinner. It was a good parking day. And a pretty good day all way around.

Some photos from the Botanic:

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