"Rhapsody in Blue" is brand new.
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer is founded in Los Angeles in April.
New company Mercedes Benz is created from a merger between Benz & Daimler in May.
In June, Russell Maugham flies from New York to Los Angeles in just under 22 hours.
By September, the first aerial circumnavigation of the globe is completed by U.S. Army pilots, taking 175 days.
And, that same month, The Atlantic Monthly arrived in the mailbox of the Joseph and Lucy Byers. Mr. Byers was an attorney and Mrs. Byers taught English, speech, and public speaking for over thirty years at Mexia High. She also directed the school plays and taught both of my parents. According to J.H.'s obituary in 1944, the couple moved to Mexia in the oil boom of the 20s, but I can't seem to locate any records about the age of their home at 409 N. Canton, which was later owned by the Blaylocks.
(no telling what the house looked like in 1924, but here's the oldest photo I have)
Whether these first monthlies (years and years of them, along with decades of Harpers) were delivered to this house, or another, they made their way to the Canton house, where they were left when my grandmother found them, and then to our Kirkdale house when my grandparents moved in with us. Then to Sageville. Later, they moved to Clear Lake with my parents and finally to Navasota when my parents moved to Colorado. I ended up leaving two big boxes with my friend Lynne when we moved to Colorado, but kept a small number that caught my eye.
The oldest of the batch I still have is from September 1924, no where close to the magazine's original publication year of 1857, but now past 90 years of age, and still holding together.
The ads are incredible. The copy is just so overwrought and delightful.
Even a superficial acquaintance with the Lincoln is sufficient to create
a dominant impression of distinction and individuality.
A living room as comfortable as it is attractive -- your dream come true! You can hear the admiring comment of your guests as they share its rich beauty and experience the comfort of its center of attraction, the deep-seated, luxurious Pullman davenport-bed.
Since the pioneers plunged through the primeval forest, led on by the astounding roar of its falling waters, Niagara has been a Mecca for sightseers. Now, with good roads leading to it from everywhere, more and more tourists make it an objective. . .
Fortunate people who buy whatever they life always choose the Hartmann Wardrobe Trunk, beautiful in design -- convenient in appointments -- sturdy in construction.
The Fifth Avenue Building wasn't yet the Toy Center that it would become and the Boy Scouts' National Headquarters was here for a few more years. It was only 15 years old in 1924.
It's the Mifflin Alkohol ad that caught my eye.
Nothing like a straight alcohol bath for the invalid in your life!
Take a Kodak with you, $6.50 up ($87.56)
Against a cheerful setting of soft brown wall and warm green and brown floor tiles, the white purity of the Marmor lavatory and Tarnia bath stands out vividly in this inviting room.
Her friend saw her hesitate a moment before entering his office.
This was the dictation that she dreaded every day.
A poise, a certain nonchalant assurance, marks the man who is at home in high places. Oshkosh Luggage, too, has an air, an assurance, that attests its accustomed position in exclusive circles.
In planning your new home you should, by all means, select a heating system of established reputation. if you place your faith in Capitol Boilers and United States Radiators there can be no question as to ultimate satisfaction.
[In November, the first woman will be elected governor (of Wyoming), Coolidge will defeat Davis for the presidency, and the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade will be held.]
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