Friday, December 18, 2015

Disney Day 3: Festival of Fantasy Parade

The Festival of Fantasy Parade is the only one we'd never seen before. And it was the reason many of the Christmas decorations had to change from the decades of wreaths hanging across Main Street. Because of the Dragon Float. 

But we'll get to him in a bit. 

Disney offers FastPast for the parade, which is the hub at the end of Main Street nearest the train station and entry, known as Town Square. That allows you center of the street views with the castle in the background. So I jumped on it. 

After our Space Mountain ride, we headed for the area, with a stop by the Ice Cream Parlour. We checked in and took up position around 2:30. There were already some folks standing in the dead center, but as it turned out, they were all there as parents of the band kids who were marching ahead of the parade down Main Street. Once the band passed, they left to meet up with their crew and we had center stage seats on the curb looking down at the castle.

The family that is selected at park opening to be the Family of the Day gets to ride as Grand Marshals for the 3:00 parade. And not long after, the floats start coming into view. 

The first float of Princesses is GINORMOUS. It's called the Princess Garden and it just kept on going, with couple after couple: Belle and Beast, Cinderella & Prince, Snow White & Prince, Anna & Elsa, Tiana & Prince Naveene. And that was just on the one side. 

The Tangled Float was next. It, too, went on for days, (36 feet long!) with Rapunzel's hair wrapped all throughout. The pendulums swing with the thugs fighting, Flynn and Maximus (the horse). 

Next up, Little Mermaid:

Ariel saw Stella and started petting her red hair and pointing to her. She turned 3 shades of red with the biggest smile.

And Peter Pan!

And then Brave:

And that's Merida also making a big deal about Stella's red hair, too!

Penultimate: Sleeping Beauty (aka THE DRAGON)

dragon tail handler

And cue the finale!

I was able to get Stella's grandmother's email so I could send these to her.

Somehow the crew still had enough juice left to be silly getting back to the bus for a resort break before evening park excitement.

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