Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Monday's sunrise was almost entirely blue. The most pink I could spot above.

Faith holding court in the morning sunshine before it clouded over again.

This morning's color was a bit better, but last only a couple of minutes. I need to figure out why winter sunrises can hold on to color almost up to the point of the sun cresting, while our angle inching toward summer shortens that time considerably. The only color appears some 15-20 minutes prior to actual sunrise and then poof! gone. If you aren't around early enough, you'd never even see it.

Checking out the May to June creep, it appears that we've got one month exactly to keep hitting the trails earlier and earlier before it starts to move in the other direction. The goal is to be in the open space at least 20 minutes ahead of the sunrise time, which means giving myself 15 minutes of prep time beforehand, so whatever the sunrise time is, back it up 35 minutes.  I actually really enjoy the earliest sunrise times, because there are so few people willing to be out at 5:00 in the morning versus those post-7:00 sunrise times where you have to be considerably more social with all the other folks passing by. 

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