Friday, January 19, 2018


Just your typical Friday around here. 

Yesterday I had my follow up appointment with my orthopedic surgeon to go over the results of the Dexa scan and my labwork. 

Surprisingly, he says I "have good bones" -- there is no sign of osteoporosis. The only remarkable result of a ton of bloodwork is that my Vitamin D is low. 

Which brings us all back to the original question: how in the heck did I fracture my pelvis not doing anything? 

The only other, very remote, possibility beyond just a bizarro freak accident is that we are dealing with a tumor in the bone. He said my chances of this are worse than actually winning the lottery. But we all know how those things turn out. 

So I go back in 6 months for a follow-up xray to compare and see if there are any tell-tale signs of a tumor between the scan from yesterday and that one. 

Until then, double up on the Vitamin D3+K2 supplements, get as much sunshine (with sunscreen ) as possible, exercise, live, and carry on. Unless something else breaks in the meantime. 

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