The low lying clouds meant I could catch the eclipse to its totality but then it disappeared before it began to emerge.
That made Aidan pretty happy since he'd been waiting around for more than an hour while I fiddled with the camera.
One of these days I'm going to have to get a sharper zoom lens. Its own limitations, including the lowest F-stop at 5.6, and my need for reading glasses to focus through the lens-finder but not for seeing it in the sky, and the constant changing of the tripod to keep up with the moon crossing into the corners of the shot... here's what I got.
The east wasn't as showy today as yesterday. Guess it was giving the moon in the west its turn.
But by then, this is all that was visible in the western sky
When we got back home, Bruiser had taken the rare opportunity of getting into the guest room (where I had the camera set up) since I'd left the gate open. Dude is getting some dental work done soon. He had his annual visit to the vet and he'd lost one canine and needs three others taken out. Getting older sucks.
When I went to breakdown the tripod, Aidan was out in the backyard after our walk keeping a close eye on the squirrels. It appears they were watching him just as closely.
(Betcha can't spot him, but there is a squirrel in this shot as well)
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