Sunday, February 11, 2018

2/6/18 The Houston Visit (really)

So Monday was not a photo day. I met with Lauren, an archivist with UHCL, at the Leader offices and we discussed with Marie and Davy the path to getting the hard copy holdings and PDFs archived at the University of Houston's Clear Lake Library down the road. I spent the rest of the day scanning more Leader stuff.

Oh, and playing with Duke, the new 10- month old lab puppy. He's my new best friend.

Tuesday was Steph day, so we hit the zoo that morning. It was muggy and threatening rain and we had the place practically to ourselves.

my favorite spot in all the park. 

This guy was not headed over to talk.


As it turned out, on this day in 2009, we had made our first visit back to the Zoo since we were in high school together and rode the train. So, naturally, we needed to do that again. Plus, it kept us from having to give up our primo front parking space at the zoo to pay for parking over at the Fine Arts Museum were we were meeting Andrew for lunch.

I think it would be a fascinating experiment to give all my friends a camera and two hours and ask them to take photos of anything that stops them and gets them to consider for just a bit longer than everything else.

Here's mine.




Tuesday night: puppy love

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