Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Catching up! 7/22 Botanic Garden Day

It has been an whirlwind month. I went back to see where I left off on the blog and was shocked to find it's been more than three weeks since I've checked in or posted anything. That may be a record, at least since I started doing this with some regularity.

I became consumed with collecting, then editing, then piecing together 35 years worth of photos from the Dobie archives in order to have a film ready for the 50th Anniversary Tour we held last Saturday. 

It's finally past. It was a big success, despite not being able to run the film completely. It's been uploaded online, viewed nearly 1000 times in the past 24 hours (both parts, because I could never produce the full film with over 1500 files into a single run).

I've almost caught up with everything from work since getting back from Houston. 

And now, it's time to rewind and collect all the fun stuff that happened over the past month. 

That gets us back to July 22.

And the most wondrous thing happened that morning, before we even got to the Botanic Garden.

Aidan, Jake, and I were walking near sunrise towards the dog park, as always, when I spotted the first silhouette caught against the purple sky. There were four of them, all munching along the hedges.

I've never so much as ONE buck in this part of the open space, and here were four, with just the right light, and no one around except the three of us, standing respectfully off at a distance, watching them.

It was magic.

Since it was Sam's last weekend in Colorado, we'd decided to take a visit to the Gardens so she could take a million reference photos for illustrations.

The bees were in heaven.


This summer's art installation didn't make any sense to either of us in the midst of the gardens, so we largely just ignored them.

It felt as though we had the place to ourselves for nearly an hour.

You are the sum total of everything you've ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot --

it's all there.

Everything influences each of us, and because of that, I try to make sure that my experiences are positive. 

~Maya Angelou

Afterwards, we tried out, appropriately, Sam's #3, a diner local to Denver that we'd never tried. 


that evening, my birthday shoes had arrived!

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