Monday, May 6, 2019

Jake the Dirty Dog

So, Jake is the chillest, super sweet curly baby. He also LOVES to roll in the yard. And the very, very bestest place is always the deadest spot, all dirt, and dead grass:

Then he comes inside, plops down, and waits for me to start rubbing him all over to get the dirt and dried grass of of him and onto the floor where I then sweep it up. 

Sigh. How can you not love that face?

So ahead of bath time yesterday, I decided we had to cover up the dead dirt spot that the sprinklers have not reached for a decade, since we put the deck in place, with SOMETHING to keep that wide open dirt rolling pit from getting used every time Jake went outside to do his business.

And thus...

I will hunt for more decorative rock to finish out the circle, but for now, those cement blocks will have to do.

The view from my office above, which also highlights how badly I need to find a lawn guy to help get the grass that does get the sprinklers reaching it back to form.

So both the boys get their scrub down and dry time inside and, sure enough, what do you think the very first thing Jake does when finally allowed outside to pee?


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