Sunday, July 7, 2019

The Coyote Caper

so on Friday we had a bit of an interesting walk home from the dog park.

On the way I had caught sight of a coyote for just a second up on the hill and as soon as I looked back, I lost him. 

We headed into the dog park to play, walked around to the doggie water fountains, sat in our spot as usual, and then took the regular route back to the house when he reappeared. 

That's him standing down at the brown trash can in a stare-off with the dogs.

So after a long stare, we gave him time to decide to get on across the sidewalk and into the grass around the back of the dog park before resuming. 

And then?

As we passed by, he turned around and trotted right back behind us. 

And after a pause .  .  .

He decided we were interesting enough to follow up and over the hill. 

Now, as you might expect, the boys were quite excited about this turn of events and would absolutely not turn their backs on him, so the three of us basically walked backwards all the way to the street. 

He's still there on the right, as I took this last one.  I was seriously wondering what was going to happen if he decided to get all way to the road and turn right into the neighborhood with us, but he took a few more steps after this, stopped, reconsidered, and sauntered back the way he came. 

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