Wednesday, June 9, 2021

6/2/21 Saying Goodbye to Bru

 Bru had been struggling this past year. He was having accidents and drinking copious amounts of water back in August. He was diagnosed with diabetes, common in older male cats, as well as a bladder infection. 

We got him sorted on twice a day insulin injections and he seemed to bounce back pretty well until May, when it started again. After two rounds of antibiotics, an ultrasound revealed he had a large mass in his bladder that was blocking his urethra. At 16, and diabetic, he was not a candidate for surgery (which has a very low success rate for even healthy cats.)

We found this out on Saturday, May 31. I've resolved to never, ever book another vet appointment on the last day of any month for the rest of my life. Evan's diagnosis came on the last day of the month, too. 

I gave him some pain meds crushed up in his food through Memorial Day weekend, but by Wednesday morning, it was clear he was deteriorating quickly. He wanted to lay in my lap and have me beat on him in time to the music we listened to most of the morning, but the drugs and the constant need to pee (I know how badly bladder infections feel) meant it was time to give him some peace. 

Caring Pathways came Wednesday evening. His ashes came home last night. 

Bru was the best kitty ever. I will miss him so deeply. Jake and Aidan still look for him. He would be sitting in the window waiting for us when we returned from every sunrise walk. 

Grief is always part of love, if we live long enough. It's still a price worth paying. 

Still processing and working on his memorial video to go with all the others, but some favorite Bru kitty photos now

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