Tuesday, December 18, 2012

12-18-12 AMOOXP Day 24



Of course, it probably helped that both of them had a sneaking suspicion this time around that Pap's continually absence from Santa's visits, combined with a very familiar sounding voice and glasses, wasn't a coincidence. But they didn't say anything to Santa about it.

This was the Mall Santa picture, with a bit less enthusiasm:

This is the year that Samantha decided on Christmas Eve she wanted her hair cut. And not just a little. This is what she looked like hours before that picture with Pap Santa above:

Of course, this was the year Mom had picked out a my Twinn doll, fashioned to look like her owner.

The really odd thing is that when you hold the 6" lock of hair she had cut off against the doll's, they look like the same color. The eyes are right, though.

And, once she was suited up in her princess cape

you could hide the hair length difference pretty well.

We'd gone to Pap and Mimi's house the weekend before for stockings and to visit with Granddaddy.

 Samantha also latched on to one of my baby dolls (last seen in AMOOXP Day 8)

New PJs this year with the favorite things emblazoned on the front. For Nicholas, it was all about the Pokemon. For Sammi, it was Barbie.

Hay for the reindeer

And milk and cookies for Santa.

It should be noted that Nick got home for Christmas break from Southwestern this weekend and one of his current favorite things is playing an "old-school" simulator on his computer of... Pokemon. Ah, nostalgia at the age of 19. 

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