Saturday, August 31, 2019

Farewell August

this photo isn't for the sunflower. It's for the single gold leaf on the tree!


I don't know what we're facing, but we're doing it together 

haircut this week! Left before, right after

8/31 sighting: first orange and reds on the leaves

current situation as I hang around for month end requests...

let's go September!

Saturday, August 24, 2019

DIA Sunflower Fields

Five years ago, there was a big sunflower field directly off of C-470, the road we take to get to the airport from our house.  I pulled over in 2014 to snap a few senior photos. But every year since then, the field has remained plowed. I would see a few of the professional photographers post photos of fields, but I assumed they were further east and no one was sharing the location. 

This year, after joining a large Colorado photography site, a ton of photos were shared, by professionals and amateurs alike, and some of them included the information I'd been looking for. The fields are actually behind Denver International Airport, probably ten miles further east, but certainly not the haul I was thinking, half way to Kansas.

Marci had to get back to Austin this afternoon, so I was her ride and we left early enough to be able to check out the fields before lunch and drop-off.

Since it was noon I was surprised that the flower faces weren't pointed more upward, but it caused plenty of shadowing on my face when Marci tried to take a pic.

There was also a really heavy haze, so the mountains are only barely visible on the horizon.

Oh well. I know where I'm going now and will have to plot to try a nice sunset/cloud evening in the next week or so.

We stopped in for lunch at the Moonlight Diner

complete with Elvis memorabilia and grilled cheese sandwiches

and coconut cream PIE