Thursday, February 12, 2015

One Week Post-Op

So this is exactly what you want your bathroom to look like the same week you have hip surgery.  After days and days, this is where we're at. And we can't seem to get anyone on the phone now that they've reclaimed their fans. What happens next? No idea. 



In other news, Mom and Dad were planning to come Wednesday morning since it was the first day Bob and Sam would be at work at the same time and I'd sort of be stuck upstairs without lunch. Plus, I had my first week post-op appointment that afternoon. Naturally, snow was forecast for Wednesday morning. So they came and stayed Tuesday night to miss that ugly commute. Dad got donuts for breakfast and Chinese food for lunch, Mom helped me get my hair washed for my first outing, and then we tackled the stairs. It wasn't too bad and we were in and out of the appointment without any complications. 

Sam was back home by then, so Mom and Dad headed out, and it was back to cats as my main company. 



Tonight's sunset was a nice one, too!  


Tomorrow: Physical Therapy begins!


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