so now we're just orange. Oh well.
So for today's outing, I selected a visit to the Dinner Bell cafeteria on Lawndale at Wayside, which has been in this spot since 1953
the actual Dinner Bell, top left
the atomic boomerang formica tabletops!
the trays
wonder how long its been since that register has been used?
Oour big plan was to have lunch and then take in the 1940s Air Terminal Museum at Hobby, but checking the address, I realized it was Monday. And they're closed on Monday.
So, Plan B.
I'd asked Mr. G if he'd heard of The Orange Show, and it turns out he'd actually gone, many years ago, but that he didn't know a lot of the back story. I'd already decided it wasn't worth an entry fee, but had read that nearby was a free park featuring a lot of different artists' mosaic work, so we drove over to take a look.
Before that, just as we were heading out, Mr. G, spotted a mysterious, huge fenced tract of land that we had to circle and identify, which turned out to be the Incarnate Word convent.
Then we made it the one mile over to Munger Street:
still spaces not yet filled in!
this was my favorite
Easthaven has been purchased and turned into the "Kingdom Plex." I kid you not, And they have taken BUCKETS of paint to the place, Everything is red with stripes, and yellow with stripes, and stripes and stripes and stripes. I was literally too shocked to remember to take photos. Workers were installing a huge basketball court while we circled around. And the whole complex is fenced in, so no chance of peeking in windows or opening doors. Drat.
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