My plan to try a few sky shots from Mom and Dad's back deck were scuttled Saturday morning by heavy cloud cover.
We were at the Hungry Bear in Woodland Park at 6:00 so we could do plenty of exploring before I needed to be back for Deana's housewarming party in the afternoon.
We drove across the long valleys on Hwy 24 to get over to 285 and Antero Junction. That's all that gray area on both spots below, with just a bit of mountain terrain around Lake George.
But the payoff was several Pike Forest Roads that were almost completely empty on what, in most places around the state, was a weekend clogged with leaf peepers jockeying for space to even park a mile from the prettiest spots.
Our main problem at first was that the fog had not burned off, so we were without blue skies for the first hour or so.

But about halfway through the second Forest Rd. we explored, the sky was cooperating.
One of the mountain bluebirds in flight:
when we decided we needed to head back to get to the cabin for a few chores and lunch before returning to the Springs, Dad had asked how many photos I'd gotten. I was amused that when I added both camera counts together they equalled exactly 100. (If you can't see it, it's 38 on the zoom/gray body and 62 on the black wide angle camera)
a hanger-on from all the leaves fluttering down in the wind made it onto the windshield:
Then back across the long valley again, with a few antelope to spot.
video through a dirty windshield of the state of the aspens on the road to Mom and Dad's
lunch at the cabin
and then the last few from our drive back to Colorado Springs