Saturday, December 11, 2021

The Trees of Life Project

Back on Cape Cod, in June, Marci had brought beads and wire to do a "little" tree project. 

It took six months and quite a lot of adaptation, but today, we finished. 

Each bead or charm (or combination thereof) is representative of a memory from our lives, which we shared with one another and wrote down. 

Each branch is a grouping of those memories, from before school, elementary, middle school, high school, college, and then in lumps of five year increments, we went from 1970 to 2020/1 for fifty years of memories. 

I found these little fairy light trees back in September after she'd left for Texas and went about seeing how they would look woven onto the branches. I was very please with the result. 

But I waited until today when she came over to reveal it and give her her Christmas present, a gold version to match her gold wires holding her beads. Then we set about weaving and grafting all of her memory beads onto her tree.



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