We managed to remember to take one photo at dinner, on our way out of Carmine's

Thanks to Marci's summer family trip, she knew this empty line was a line, so we were first in line.
Everyone else has followed the leader to the other one behind me.
And, to our surprise, while standing in line, it started to rain.
But we were under the marquee and didn't get soaked.
We struck up a fun conversation with our security people and she took our photos while we waited for the doors to open.
And when the doors opened, we were the first inside and first to the merchandise booth, so no wait to get my hoodie!
I guess technically we could be a little bit further back since there is another row left and right, but we were dead center with no on e behind us, which I had counted on in case there were too many heads in the way. As it turned out, there weren't and I didn't need to stand. Also, weirdly, all those empty seats to my left never filled. Not a single one.
At intermission my Manhattan (of course) came in this Hamilton sippy cup. How cute is that?!?
The show was, of course, spectacular. While I knew the staging, seeing it live was exhilarating beyond measure. I managed to only mouth the lyrics throughout the show, too!
On our way out, from the tippy top of the balcony meant we were the last ones out of the theater. You can't even see it from in front of the stage. But you can see our theater guy waving us out.
Hamilton has become a bit of a touchstone. It was Sammi who kept at me to really listen to it when I waved her off at first, way back in the fall of 2015. I got her a Schuyler Sisters shirt that Christmas. She brought in a bootleg copy of the play she's downloaded from Youtube (before they yanked it) and I remember saying, "I can't keep up with what they're saying" as she wanted me to watch it.
So she strategically got me to listen to just King George's songs. You know, the old people ones. They are hilarious. Then she pulled in the Schuyler sisters ones, a bit more R&B than hip-hop. And so finally I paid attention.
Then I was all downhill from there. We pulled Nick into the frenzy, who pulled Ali in. I played it for Amber in 2016 on a road trip to Aspen, and she wanted to hear it all again on the way back.
Christmas 2016 Ali surprised Nick with tickets to Chicago Hamilton for Spring Break (Wayne Brady was Aaron Burr), and after that show Nick proposed under the marquee.
On their return, Ali presented me with a present from the show, a poster with the entire cast's autographs.
I bought tickets via the Verified Fan Presale for me and Amber back in January. But then Amber couldn't make it and Marci stepped in.
So, at the close of our night, as those posters are part of Broadway Cares charity, I purchased another one, this time with all of the Broadway cast's autographs. Now, I just need to get Sammi & Jason to "her" show and we'll have the Mask trilogy of Hamilton for the wall.
Ironically it will be the first Hamilton fan to see it last.
We made our way out as one of the last ones to exit and gathered over at the stage door to see who might emerge for pictures and autographs.
We struck up a conversation with an older Canadian lady from Newfoundland who was just trembling with excitement and told us how she'd seen bits of the show on the PBS special. She appeared to be alone at the show and new to town, so we told her about places to see in the city.
Then Lauren Boyd emerged.
No, she didn't have the Peggy role this evening, but she is a swing for the Peggy/Maria Reynolds roles. Tonight she was in that freaking incredible chorus that dances and sings the entire show forward. The little boy next to us said, "Who were you?" and she smiled and said, "I was the one in the ponytail!" She was so sweet and gracious. And our Canadian friend was just gushing while she signed her play bill.
I said, "Would you like me to take your picture" and I thought she might faint. She had an older Blackberry, so I'm guessing this is just not old hat for her to snap photos. After Lauren moved on down the line, she looked at it and said, "Oh, I can't believe I got a photo with her!" beaming.
Made me smile.
We hung around and chatted for a few more minutes when, to our delight, Michael Luwoye emerged!
He thought littleLin was adorable. I had said, "I hope this isn't the weirdest thing ever, but can he be in our photo?"
Michael is only the third Hamilton to play Broadway, after Lin and Javier. He also starred in the role at the L.A. company when it originated. He is the only lead to have played Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton in a single day at the mat/night combo.
Next: Departure Day: Carnegie Hall & Bomb Scares
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