Do you remember that moment in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory that Dahl describes what Charlie does with his one birthday bar of chocolate? He peels back the corner and takes the tiniest nibble possible and then closes it back up so that it will last for months.
This, my friends, is a chocolate bar worth hoarding like Charlie's:
I know what you're thinking.
Chipotle, salt and POPPING CANDY?!? Have you lost your mind??
That's what I thought, too, when I was given a bar around Christmas time. I'm sure it was given to me because it was given to the giver who thought, "Ew, going to have to regift this to someone willing to eat ANY chocolate."
That would be me.
This is also the dark chocolate with a very high concentrate of theobromine, which is toxic at pretty low levels in dogs. No sharing. (I learned the ins and outs of theobromine when Katy managed to down an entire pound of Nell's chocolate fudge one time, leaving her none the worse for wear.)
I wish I could adequately describe what this dark chocolate paired with chipotle, salt, and popping rocks does inside your mouth, but I would probably have to resort to rather inappropriate language to even come close. Suffice to say, this.candy.ROCKS.
Mr. Wonka must secretly own Chuao.
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