This African Violet is now over two years old, which is nothing short of a miracle. I am getting better at plant care, but this one came on board when I was too distracted to regularly water or care for it. Somehow it stuck with me. It's grown in the same little teacup until this month, when I finally replanted it with a bit more room. Compared to other African Violets, its leaves are much lighter and stacked vertically, tribute to its will to survive. Every few months I prune back the flowers and after what seems like a very long wait in between, usually about the time I think it's done flowering, it pops back out with its little pink flowers.
This picture was taken a week ago:

And this one taken on Sunday.

And today:

Hooray for plants who survive despite me! It's new little neighbor is Vicki's struggling new African Violet. I brought him home to share secrets with the veteran. I think they like the company.
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