It was lamp day for me. This one will go in the backyard, I think.
(I actually scored something else, but that will have to be unveiled later.)
And yay for Vicki, who broke her three week dry spell with a big bag of Brio train stuff and Thomas the Tank Engine pieces for Ollie ($7). Why didn't I think to get a picture? Marlene made away with a huge pot for canning/preserves as well as a ton of jars/lids and a couple of other trinkets.
We missed Jill, but I think we'd have given her heart failure at all the places we drove by and didn't stop. I think it's safe to say we're hitting the height of the season and an hour just doesn't do it.
The rainstorms are due to sweep in this afternoon and stay for the weekend, which was the topic of conversation at a lot of our stops. I'm guessing that means a number of potential sellers are holding off until next weekend. Stay tuned!
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