Thursday, October 1, 2020

September in Review

So since I let the entire month slip away, photos from September in general order. 

The ordeal around here this month was the ongoing saga of Bruiser, newly diagnosed as diabetic. 

As a 15 year old, large, neutered male, he ticked all the boxes of cats most likely to develop insulin resistance. 

So there are a lot of Bru photos as he was quite needy as he clearly felt like crap.  

the pups got a new toy which I remember to snap a photo of in the first hour, before his face was chewed off entirely.

We also saw the first week of the month usher in a surprise snowfall a day after being in the 90s. 

Note the winter weather advisory under the smoky 92 degree screenshot.

We didn't get much, but we enjoyed the heck out of it!

snowy tennis ball found

Bruiser taking advantage of the heated kitty bed

Finally, our found snakeskin discovered on the last day of September, 
as we shed this smoky wildfire filled month.



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