Went out again today for a short hike. We've had lots of visitors from Texas up during most of July (gee -- wonder why??) and one of my favorite place to take folks who want to experience a nice walk (easy, mostly flat hike) is Bear Creek. It's about 20 minutes from the house and a world away from the suburbs.
To get this shot you have to wade out to the center of the creek, which is always lovely after a good walk. The melting snow that feeds it is always cold and crisp. Yes, crisp water. If you ever get a chance to step into it, you'll know what I mean.
The trick is negotiating the larger rocks along the edge. Once you get to the center, the rocks are large and smooth or tiny and feel like large sand. But getting in, you'd better walk gently and get your weight on each step. Sharp ones can land you butt first and then you're a lot cooler than you want to be for the rest of the hike.
I typically come back with one or two river rocks, often quartz with a good slimy green layer of moss. One of these days I'll have a fountain out on the deck that will feature my river treasures.
So here's a few favorite shots from Bear Creek.

The lilies bloom in May and June. By July, their colors have disappeared. In another couple of months, though, the aspens will turn golden in their place. This coming fall Dad and I are trekking to some new Aspen places, so stay tuned ;)
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