Susan Stewart's On Longing often comes to mind when I engage in these kinds of exercises. Her thesis (one of them) is that we are hardwired to seek out this process, although the results are often the creation of a place/time/childhood that did not really exist. We idealize and romanticize because it fulfills a deep need.
That said, I let myself close my eyes and sweet moments, places, and sights came rushing back. I'll let myself examine the neuroses and darkness of the place some other time.
One of my earliest memories of place in relation to Sagemont would have to be going with my mother to buy shoes at Foley's in Almeda Mall. This would be around 1975. There used to be great big peacock blue awnings on the mall then and Foley's still had their retro logo plastered on the side of the bricks. Inside, across from the toys, was the shoes and at the back, against the wall, was built a great big boat you could climb up and around on. I couldn't find a picture of it on the internet, but this is the toy department that faced it:

I'm now on a mission to see what old photographs might be lurking out there that bring those place markers rushing back.
Here's a couple I've discovered in just an hour:

The Woolworth Five and Dime in Almeda Mall had a separate entrance into the diner. I'm still searching for a picture of the big blue booths I recall and the exact lunch counter that was there, but the machines and the pie stand here really push the memory buttons.

The BEST store near the mall, famous for it's SITE (Sculpture In The Environment) design.
How prophetic, built in 1975, when the area was new and growing. The building sits empty and "fixed" now and all around it everything crumbles.
And lastly, I can't find a picture of it up on I-45 and 610 but I remember well the gigantic neon cockroach billboard! Here's the best I can do:

Just imagine this thing high in the air with neon lettering lighting up the night sky, with those hairy legs and you might get a sense of the monstrous delight. Ah, home sweet home...
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