From "Armory Gray" (seriously, who would pick that?) to Naval Blue in ONE day!
The crew showed up late on Thursday and spent a few hours power washing. Friday morning as Aidan and I were rounding the corner to the house after our walk, there was the white van pulling up to the house before 8:00. It wasn't long before all the windows were covered in plastic and we were hearing all sorts of sounds around the walls.
Since I couldn't let Aidan out in the backyard, we took a second walk at my lunch hour. They had to untape the front door to let us out. Here was the progress over just four hours.
About 6:00 p.m. last night, they were done! I couldn't believe they did the entire house in a single day. And it was dark, so I had to wait until morning to get a good look. It looks fantastic!
Of course, the morning shadows weren't really helping, so this afternoon:
Now I need to find a white doorbell cover...
and, the color of my door ended up being almost an exact match to the house paint. Woo!
the view from the back:

I love that they painted the electrical boxes.
quite the change from our first look at her in 2007, no?
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