Behold, and Mother's Day hath extended yay even unto nearly Father's Day.
So, for Mother's Day, I decided I would pick out new blinds for the kitchen and our bedroom.
We shopped Home Depot only to discover their limited selection of both styles and the large sizes we needed would preclude actually getting anything right away.
Enter, and after much debate, and a long trip from China for the largest one, they arrived mid-week and we installed them this weekend.
One problem: once we got the bedroom blinds installed, we discovered the small cord lock plastic piece bolted to the inside top had snapped in shipment and would not allow us to raise the blinds.
Still waiting to hear back from their customer service on a fix and hoping they can just send us the tiny three inch bracket with cord instead of having to take everything down and ship it back!
But for now, we can still hide from the neighbors in style.
Plus, the AWN offices moved on Friday to an entirely new building a few miles up the road and I was the recipient of a bunch of framed photographs, thanks to the new decor going up in the new digs.
Several years ago I had helped with putting together a number of vintage automobile pictures that featured my grandparents and various quotes inscribed on the frames. So I got to take most of my family ones home with me last week and got them up put up around my work desk.

Several years ago I had helped with putting together a number of vintage automobile pictures that featured my grandparents and various quotes inscribed on the frames. So I got to take most of my family ones home with me last week and got them up put up around my work desk.
(I also managed to level them out after taking the pictures.)
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